
LLMs could probably work great as mutation operators in EAs
How to create a systemd service for a project packaged as a Nix flake
My circuitous path to packaging a Haskell project for Nix
An algorithm for finding out which country contains a (lat,long) pair
Solving a puzzle with a SAT solver
How hidden behaviour in C++ can be an important part of an algorithm
Mutability can hide communication between parts of a program
Merge commits add extra information, and extra information is most often a good thing
One weird trick to double the amount of motions in Vim
In iTerm2 it's possible to change Vim's cursor depending on the mode you're currently in
A zsh script for making all the apps in /Applications available from the command line
When classes are the only structuring mechanism, they tend to accumulate features
Get git to prepare interactive rebasing for you
A neat zsh process substitution trick
In which I return to Erlang and discover OTP
Chained Hash Table With Ordered Lists
A simple program for running a command on file changes
One less use of the “static” keyword
A non-Python Programmer writes Python
Explanation of a little known C feature – and yet another use of the “static” keyword!
Avoid committing your password by accident
Wow. I'm suddenly in Portland!
Don't make and enter
Using git to bisect the bad commit found with “git bisect”
Essay on bio-plausibility vs bio-inspiration in science
Implementation of a random-access list with O(1) list primitives and O(lg n) lookup time.
Hask table with open addressing and deletion
The newly added handlerToIO function makes it easy to use forkIO and still be able to run GHandler actions
“git rebase -i --root” allows changing the repo's first commit
Stack with O(1) push, pop and min
The coloured git history of Linux is a thing of beauty
Suggestions on how to improve Github's notifications
C pointer declaration syntax makes sense – kind of
A cool algorithm for similarity search
Experiences from being a GSoC mentor
Syntax highlighting for inline code in Markdown
Neat Vim trick
How “??/” can lead to disaster
Image explaining Indonesian pronouns
How photo blogging was done in ye olden days
Finally, Kate's Vi mode has visual block mode support
Implementation of the Solitaire cipher from "Cryptonomicon"
Ever wanted to dump your current background to a file? No?
A clever, compact way of representing trees
Don't lose track of which vi mode zsh is in
How to show grub menu after when restarting after hibernating openSUSE
How temporal inhibition can be used to create "neuro calculators"
Where I fix the embarrassing fact of never having written GoL
Could code reading help keep programmers honest?
Solution to the “Missing header file: HsUnixCompat.h” problem
A wish for easier manipulation of indentation options in Kate
What is new in the Vi input mode for Kate in KDE 4.4?
Why the name "Kant" didn't stick around...
An improved version of my Google Calendar plasmoid
A quick python hack
Sjekkliste i PDF-format
The original goals set for Kate's Vi input mode are now completed
State of Kate's Vi input mode now that GSoC is over
I will create a vi input mode for Kate for Google Summer of Code